Elderberry Syrup
During the winter months we always had a bundled basket full of fold and flu medicines. We had our stockpile of over-the-counter medication or prevention. Because, who likes being sick? Am I right?
Since our journey to being more self sufficient, I found a path to herbalism which has opened a whole new world for our health, and medicinal cabinet. Our medicine baskets are full of tinctures, salves, dried herbs and more. I am so thankful to know that I can walk outside in the summer and have a whole world of medicine right under my feet and know exactly what to do with it.
When I started to read about elderberry I was a little blown away about all its good for. Not only does this plant have powerful antiviral properties, but its also helpful in treating flus, colds, herpes, shingles, diabetes, respiratory conditions, and high blood pressure. Making this herb a must have in your medicinal cabinet.
The Elderberry co. has a plethora of beautiful, and tasty options to get your intake of elderberry in your diet. Their syrup is easily the best tasting syrup we have ever had, with a blend of elderberries, and arena berries making this syrup not only good for your immune system but your hair skin and nails as well. They make gummies as well, collagen/ biotin gummies and elder-gummes, they taste so good its hard not to eat them all the time. They have elderberry infused honeys and teas that would make fantastic gifts and are delicious as well.
The Elderberry Co. also has a elderberry syrup kit, where you can make your own syrup at home, it's so incredibly easy and tastes so good, if you’d like to see the process head to my Instagram and check out the highlight “elder kit”. My absolute favorite part about this company is that Jenny truly loves Jesus, she radiates His love, and she empowers happy healthy families while sharing her faith and making delicious healthy herbal remedies.
If you’re one that wants to try to do things on your own, the elderberry syrup kit is a fantastic way to go, or you can individually purchase herbs and make your syrup or teas at home. I purchase all of my herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs they are fantastic, ship in orderly timing and their plant material is gorgeous.
To make things out of elder berry you absolutely can use dried berries, although fresh or frozen will be more flavorful dried is a fantastic option. Dried berries make a great tea:
2 Tbs elderberry
steep in hot water for 15 minutes
add honey and lemon juice to your liking
You can also add wonderful, vitamin packed herbs like rose hips or blueberries to your tea.
All together making elderberry syrup is so easy and fantastic for your health. Below is a guide on how to make it. Happy making!