Slow Down… A Christmas Devotion
The hallmark Christmas- a beautiful time of year, where you have aimless amounts of hours to meander your local tree farm, and check out every perfectly decorated local gift shop. You may even find time to cross country ski with a previous high school friend, and curl cozied up with a cup of hot chocolate by a beautifully decorated fireplace while perfect pillowy snowflakes are falling outside the window.
But we aren’t living in a hallmark movie, are we? I don’t know about you but sometimes the Christmas season can feel far from relaxing- or romantic- for that matter. The second Thanksgiving is over, it seems the RUSH starts, and everyone is off to the races, and no one knows where the finish line is!
Ads, screaming, buy this!
The decor, the baking, the presents, the rush to get it all done. It can be more than overwhelming. And let me tell you, idk if it was the full moon or what but this last week has been a little bit more than crazy, and in the midst of it all I thought “ why not make cutout cookies!” which we all know is more than time consuming and putsy. But nonetheless I got my flour, sugar and butter out and with two little toddlers on either side of me I guided them on how to pour the condiments into the bowls and how to crack the eggs without adding eggshells.
Once we started, I swear, that hour of making sugar cookie dough felt like time slowed down for a minute. The sun poured a dusty sunlight through the windows, and our noses still painted pink from being outside prior to our baking adventure. I watched their little hands reach and try to do things they haven’t done before. I watched their eyes so focused on what was set out in front of them. Listening to their guided teaching of how to make dough. Taking in the time with just their mommy. Their arms lifting a heavy cup full of flour, mom praying they make it all the way into the bowl. Listen while, im painting this beautiful sweet moment, I don’t want to miss guide you. I had to swat away massive amounts of salt trying to be poured in and a full eggshell. But nonetheless I was there for that moment with my babies. Time slowed down, I slowed down, I was present, and soaking in a moment where it felt.. sweet.
It got me thinking of
Luke 10:38
38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
“You are worried and upset about many presents, and decors, and baking, and whether, and money, and lights, and family time. But few. Things. Are. needed. Or indeed. Only one.”
Martha was distracted. It clearly states that in verse 40. What is distracting you? Is it fear of a tight Christmas budget? Is it all the cleaning and baking that needs to be done to have the perfect Christmas evening? Please, slow down and choose a better focus. Mary chose better. And what Mary chose can not be taken away from her. The choice to sit at her fathers feet. To come to the lord and be willing to set aside the hurry. To set aside the worry. And just take in the moment with her savior. OHHHHH i want that. I want that for you and i want that for every one. More importantly Jesus desperately just wants those moments with us. He wants to guide our hands, and watch our eyes learn and marvel at what he can do and teach. He doesn’t need lights, or fancy parades, or cookies, or trees. He wants us to slow down. and be intentional with him.
So it’s my encouragement to you that you breathe deep with the holy spirit this holiday season, we focus on slow, intimate time with the Lord. Put your screens away, and ask God to show you those sweet moments with your family, and seek time just for him. It’s the most rewarding present of all.
Set aside the hurry my friends.
Slow down with Jesus.