Caramel Dipping Sauce
I wanted to get this blog out there before apple season is over.
Because you guys, this sauce is SO good. It's the best homemade dipping sauce I’ve ever done. A slight salty taste and makes you dip for more. The best part? No preservatives and 4 simple ingredients that may be in your home already!
I placed my sauce in nice little weck jars, which are a great alternative to ball jars. The rubber seal is reusable and the plus side– they are pretty.
I bought these jars in the height of my panic prepping phase, knowing they would be great for the reusable seal. Now I just think they are gorgeous and handy! You can watch me can with weck jars, on my highlights where I walk you through step by step the differences between weck and ball.
I didn’t can any sauce because its just so easy to whip up! Plus it will keep in your fridge for up to 3 weeks. We’ve been dipping our apples nearly every day. Our home is almost never without apples so this is the perfect sweet treat.
If you end up doing this let me know if you like it!