Stewed Tomatoes
This recipe is my grandma's recipe, and it's delicious. When I would drive to Idaho the past few summers I’d nab a jar from her cellar to bring home with me and finally I just asked for the recipe.
There is something about grandma's recipes that just make a home cooked meal so simple.
The process is incredibly easy, especially with a food chopper. Most of my peppers were already chopped and frozen so I just had to chop some onions, jalapeños, and celery. The hardest part for this recipe is blanching the tomatoes. (Which is still quite simple.
First and foremost its important to deep clean your kitchen sink. I use thieves cleaner from young living because its a toxin-free cleaner. I recommend not cleaning with something filled with high chemicals as your tomatoes are going to be in the sink during the ice bath. If you don’t have a non toxic cleaner you can just use dish soap!
You’ll need a pot of hot boiling water and then a sink full of icy cold water. Blanching doesn’t take long, you don't really want your tomatoes in the water longer than 2 minutes. You’ll wait for the sink to crack and then take them out and place them in the ice bath. If they don’t crack after a few minutes place them in the cold bath and just pinch the skin and it will peel nicely.
From here you’ll take them to a cutting board and core them and dice them. I place a cutting board over a sheet pan and it helps keep the juices from going all over your counter– easier clean up! (can I get an AMEN?!) I try to take a lot of the seeds out as I’m cutting but it's not dire if you don’t get them all.
You’ll put your tomatoes with all the other vegetables in a big bowl or a roaster (if you want to roast your veggies before canning) I used a bowl, I’ve personally never roasted this recipe but I’m sure it would be good!
You then can pour your seasonings over the vegetables and mix well.
Ladle your contents into your jars, and water bath for 45 minutes!
Lay a cloth out and place your freshly canned jars on it and let them have a proper seal by not disturbing them for at least 12 hours!
This recipe is so good in chilis, stews, lasagnas, and many other things! If you like diced tomatoes, you’ll love these– an added zing to your tomatoes!
As always let me know if you try it out!